Blessed Magical Story


BMS AutoPlay Videos: Nothing here yet! Check back later 🙂

BMS Titles: Completed 15/05/2024

Downloads: Nothing here yet! Check back later 🙂

Build Status: 25%




AscuiGakh – Haurvatat [ celtic ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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Du Vel Mat Te – 1104 [ WORLDBEAT ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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freesia – yellow fairy’s cheerful step [ フェアリーステップ ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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Hyparpax obj. w – Tower of Instinct [ FAKE CHIP SAGA ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫

Error! You must specify a value for the Video ID, Width, Height parameters to use this shortcode!

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oratoruk – Ruined Land [ Field ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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Pinktoe feat.薛南 (BGASolifugae) – Rosali [ D’n’B ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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RyuElvia – Beyond the SavePoint [ Fantasy ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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scamp – 龍伝~Cosmo~ [ rock ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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ST_Eollin – 魔法使いと青い風 [ Fantasy / ROCK ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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TaW as -50 – Shining Spirits [ BATTLE ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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くるやのぶ – メルヘェン・パンドラ [ メインストリームダークメルヘンチックハードコア ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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りょくちゃくん – Sugar Torture [ UNREAL DIGITAL FUSION ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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神聖なるびっくりはてな – 新世界にて [ NEW WORLD ] ♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫
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♫ Blessed Magical Story ♫ – Full download Pack

The pack above includes all of the BMS songs as seen above. Occasionally there will be some extras in the pack These extras will typically be BMS that either

  • Doesn’t have any keysounds or BGM
  • Doesn’t play and crashes LR2 when launched (other BMS players may vary)

You will need to perform a Captcha prior to the download starting.