BMS AutoPlay Videos: Completed 27-01-2022
BMS Titles: Completed 08-02-2022
Downloads: Incomplete (Individually)
Build Status: 85% **See note
AKIRA YAMAOKA /obj :WyWy – 175BPM [HYPER TECHNO] ♫ OverJoy ★★ ♫
Preview Song on YouTubeasahi3 /obj :BAECON – 3amba cat [LAST BOSS] [GAME MUSIC SAMBA] ♫ OverJoy ★★ ♫
Preview Song on YouTubeKyou1110 vs Takuya Namba /obj :Monsta – Alice in Wonderland crazy apple could not live in real life [7 INSANE] ♫ OverJoy ★★ ♫
Preview Song on YouTubeMagic Mash Man /New genuine Magical Girl /BANZAI – AXION -ecstasy- [Chaos fantasia] ♫ OverJoy ★★ ♫
Preview Song on YouTube
**event requires repair – full song list does not load in Beatoraja/LR2
♫ OverJoy ★★ ♫ – Full download Pack
The pack above includes all of the BMS songs as seen above. Occasionally there will be some extras in the pack These extras will typically be BMS that either
- Doesn’t have any keysounds or BGM
- Doesn’t play and crashes LR2 when launched (other BMS players may vary)
You may need to perform a Captcha prior to the download starting.